
Posts Tagged ‘Market share’

Which mobile platform should you pick? Android, iOS, Windows 8 or HTML5?

November 30, 2012 4 comments

The last month has introduced much new food for thought if you are trying to decide which mobile platform to build on first:

Thirty days ago, you were probably thinking to start with iOS, not just because of the launch of the iPad Mini but also the preponderance of Apps in iTunes

Then Microsoft launched Windows 8 (and the Surface), driving a full-court press to get developers to build apps for the Windows Store

A few days later, IDC came out with the latest numbers, showing Android was crushing everyone, with a 75% market share of new phones sold in Q3.

As a result, some declared that iOS was going the way of the Dodo–until last week, when iOS (especially the iPad) crushed the competition in online purposes purchases on Black Friday.

It has definitely been an eventful pre-Holiday Season in mobile.

With all these different metrics and shifts in leadership, which platform do you pick? The market share leader (Android)? The eCommerce leader (iOS)? The one most familiar to enterprise (Windows)? The one most open of all (HTML5)?

If you are Fortune-500 company with a big mobile budget the decision is easy: build on several. If you are smaller, you probably can only build one or two at most (or at least one to start on first). Which one do pick?

Question 1: What is the (Intended) Usage Pattern of Your Customers?

Question 2: If You ARE Building an App, What Are Your Customer Demographics?

It is an iOS and Android developer world

November 24, 2012 Leave a comment

The dominance of Android and iOS in the mobile landscape is evident. Despite all their efforts, RIM, Microsoft and others are currently only competing for third place. Not surprising at all when you think about it. I think the big question is whether RIM will survive at all. Unfortunately, it doesn’t look it.

This chart shows that app developers are increasingly focused on developing for Android and iOS, while other platforms are gradually losing developer support. The problem for RIM and Co. is that they see themselves trapped in a vicious circle: users go where the best apps are and app developers go where the biggest user base (and ultimately the money) is. So for them to turn the tide and claw back market share from iOS and Android will be extremely difficult at best.

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Are we denying the facts?

October 24, 2012 Leave a comment

This happens way too much. It clearly isn’t helpful to deny the facts. It is also important to actually know the facts.

Transformation starts with reality. It doesn’t stop there. It moves to, despite our reality, what kind of world do we want to create. True transformation requires both.

Let’s advocate for “the facts” and “a vision”.

Transformational leaders don’t start by denying the world around them. Instead, they describe a future they’d like to create instead.

Denying the truth about relative market share, imperial power or the scientific method helps no one.

Gandhi didn’t pretend the British weren’t dominating his country, and Feynman didn’t challenge Einstein’s theory of relativity or the laws of thermodynamics.

It’s okay to say, “this is going to be difficult.” And it’s productive to point out, “our product isn’t as good as it should be yet.”

The problem with Orwellian talking heads, agitprop, faux news and Ballmer-like posturing is that they take away a foundation for a genuine movement to occur, because once we start denying facts, it’s difficult to know when to stop. Tell us where we are, tell us where we’re going. But if you can’t be clear about one, it’s hard to buy into the other.

via Seth’s Blog: Denying facts you don’t like.

Who will be the largetst SmartPhone market?

September 3, 2012 3 comments

Now this makes sense. According to market research firm IDC, China will overtake the United States this year to become the world’s largest smartphone market. China’s share of global smartphone shipments is expected to grow from 18.3 percent in 2011 to 26.5 percent in 2012. China’s market share is forecast to decline slightly until 2016, as smartphone adoption will accelerate in other emerging markets, such as India.

Smartphone adoption in the United States is starting to slow down and as emerging markets are quickly growing, the U.S. share of global shipments is expected to decline from 21.3 percent in 2011 to 14.5 percent in 2016.

Meanwhile, India could become the third largest market by 2016. IDC projects an average annual growth rate of more than 50 percent for the Indian smartphone market in the next five years.

The chart shows the five largest smartphone markets, based on their share of global smartphone shipments.

