
Posts Tagged ‘Mobile device’

What is your mobile strategy?

April 25, 2013 6 comments

According to Latha Maripuri, Director of IBM Mobile and Security Services, mobile technology has unquestionably changed how we interact in both our business and personal lives. In fact, mobile devices have quickly moved from a nice-to-have technology to a necessity for most of us.

But the integration of mobile within our lives doesn’t stop there. We’re using mobile technology in innovative ways and countless places across every industry. For example, doctors can track therapeutic effectiveness through remote monitoring apps, keeping them updated on patients even when neither is in the hospital. The examples are endless.

More here: Mapping Out the Top 4 Strategies for the Mobile Enterprise « A Smarter Planet Blog.

What is the difference between responsive vs. adaptive web design?

Users who access your websites through their mobile devices or other display screens really do not care what method you use, just as long as that they can effectively navigate your website on whatever device they happen to be using.

For that reason, the two methods described in this article have been devised for web developers to meet the challenge, and while responsive (RWD) and adaptive (AWD) design methods are both addressing the issue for rendering websites on mobile devices, there are subtle differences between them that it helps to be aware of.

More here: What is the difference between responsive vs. adaptive web design? | TechRepublic.

The power of mobile

January 19, 2013 Leave a comment

It is hard to imagine a world without mobile computing. It’s funny to think back to when getting excited about technology was considered nerdy. These days, almost everyone is keen on the latest in devices particularly those of the mobile variety. Problem is, now that we’ve got the digital world in our pockets, we’d like to keep it there. This makes things a little sticky for reluctant business leaders, as the consumerization of the enterprise continues to hit them on all sides.

Power of Mobile Infographic


Are newspapers losing relevance as a news source?

December 11, 2012 1 comment

Last week, mobile ad network Mojiva published the results of a survey regarding news consumption of smartphone and tablet owners in the United States. The results of the survey among 2,000 mobile device owners show that computers and television are the primary news source for most respondents. Meanwhile only one percent of smartphone and tablet owners consider newspapers their primary news source. Now that online sources deliver news 24/7, newspapers appear to have lost relevance as a news medium. To avoid obsolescence, newspaper publishers should embrace their new role and focus on in-depth analysis rather than news delivery.


Is your eCommerce mobile?

November 20, 2012 3 comments

As we are approaching the most important days of this year’s holiday shopping season, many experts are predicting that mobile devices will play a bigger role than ever in the hunt for Christmas gifts.

Consumers are using their smart devices to research products, check prices and more and more often to actually make a purchase. According to comScore data, 1 in 10 e-commerce dollars spent in the third quarter was spent via smartphone, tablet or another mobile device.

With ever-growing adoption of smartphones and the huge popularity of tablets, it can be safely assumed that the percentage of mobile purchases will grow further in the future and retailers are well-advised to embrace their mobile audience.

This  chart shows quarterly retail e-commerce sales in the United States and the percentage of sales made through mobile devices.


Tablets are the fastest adopted device in history

November 7, 2012 1 comment

English: The iPad on a table in the Apple case

The use and adoption of tablets is exploding. Some just use it to access email on the run, others are using to easily show presentations to clients and customers and some are just having fun.

Tablets are the fastest-adopted devices in history. If we mark the modern tablet era by Apple’s 2010 iPad launch, then an astounding 84 million iPads and as many as 120 million tablets in total have flown off the shelves in just two years. Forrester’s global workforce and decision-maker surveys and client conversations show just how fast tablets are being adopted. What is your take on all this? As an iWorker, how are you using tablets?

  • Three-quarters of a billion tablets will be in use by 2016. It took more than 20 years for the PC to reach an installed base of 750 million people. But tablets will surpass that mark in less than half the time. Global tablet sales will top 375 million in 2016 with about one-third of tablets acquired by businesses for employees. Back in 2007, we wrote that to reach the second billion users, the computer market would be driven by lower-cost hardware, useful applications, and easy access to the Internet from anywhere.Tablets fit that bill perfectly.
  • Some 81% of firms expect to support tablets for employees. IT decision-makers are getting tablet fever as 81% of firms report interest in using tablets. According to these IT decision-makers, tablets will come into the enterprise via several doors, including employees bringing their own: Our latest survey of global information workers shows that 12% use tablets, and 8% paid for it themselves. And more than half of the 1,004 firms we surveyed plan to increase their spending on mobile devices and apps by at least 10% next year.
  • Tablets will accelerate the rise of the anytime, anywhere information worker. Today, 15% of information workers use at least three connected devices for work, work from at least three different locations, and use at least seven apps for work. And 30% of information workers satisfy at least two of those three criteria. The rise of tablets will drive the number of anytime, anywhere information workers up. Tablets enable access from more locations and bring relevant and useful apps to make employees more productive.

via Forrester Research : Research : Mastering The Business Tablet Landscape.

Can things get worse for the U.S. print media?

October 31, 2012 3 comments

Can things get worse for the U.S. print media? Unfortunately, yes. Newspaper ad spending in the United States peaked in 2000 and has since then dropped to a level as low as it hasn’t been in 50 years. Magazines have suffered a similar fate and according to data released by eMarketer last week, the situation could get even worse for print media in the United States.

eMarketer compared selected media’s share of the time Americans spent with media with their share of total ad spend in 2012.

While in the cases of TV, online and radio, the time spent with the medium is roughly proportionate to the share of ad expenditure, newspapers and magazines hold a significantly larger share of total ad spend than they should if ad spend were proportional to the time spent with the medium.

American adults on average only spend 3.1 percent of their media time reading offline newspapers, yet newspapers rake in 11.5 percent of total media ad revenues.  The opposite holds true for mobile: Americans spend 11.7 percent of their media time on mobile devices, yet mobile advertising only accounts for 1.6 percent of total ad spend.

If the numbers at hand are any indication for the future growth of advertising mediums, mobile ad expenditure is about to take off. For newspapers and magazines however, the worst may be yet to come.

Remember when the family gathered in the living room to watch TV?

October 6, 2012 1 comment

The old idea of families gathering in the living room to watch TV together undistracted is on its way out, if not gone already. Today, people actively use tablets and smartphones while they watch, and sometimes even watch TV entirely on these mobile devices. This is more than a fad.

Last night I wanted to watch the Atlanta Braves and the Texas Rangers. I also had a local homecoming game to go to. Not a problem. I subscribe to I stated on cable. Moved (still at home) to my iPad as I got ready to go. Switched again to my iPhone at the game.

I have one child who gave up their set top box in their room. All they do is stream. Two others stream Netflix a lot on their phones. My wife and I use Apple TV a lot.

Intel Mobile Device

Intel Mobile Device (Photo credit: Frank Gruber)

Is traditional TV and cable going the way of newspapers? What are the implication for advertising?

How mobile friendly is your recruiting web site?

Here is an interesting trend to look at and get on top of. I must admit I hadn’t thought about it from a recruiting point of view. We live in a world that is increasingly mobile. We all need to think mobile first.iPhone & Intel Mobile Device Potential employees clearly are.

The study found that a healthy 19% of job seekers use their mobile devices for career-related purposes (and more than 50% of could imagine doing so), yet only 7% of employers have a mobile version of their career website and only 3% have a mobile job app.

Mobile Recruiting Is on the Rise